Genital Herpes Study: Can Be Transmitted Easily Even Without Outbreak

For the millions of Americans suffering from genital herpes, the latest study shows that not only do many people don’t know they have it, but its easy for even those to transmit it to their partners.

Anne Harding writes for CNN’s suggesting that all adults be tested so they can protect their partners. While herpes normally is not a huge medical problem, it can make someone more susceptible to AIDS and is incredibly dangerous for someone who is pregnant.

Using condoms as well as medication – which now is cheaper since its now available in a generic form – cuts down the odds to catching or transmitting herpes.” People who carry the genital herpes virus but have no visible symptoms — and may not even be aware they’re infected — are still capable of spreading the virus about 10% of the time, according to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association,” says the column.

“An estimated 16% of U.S. adults are infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), which can cause bumps, blisters, or sores on the genitals and surrounding areas, along with pain and itching. But only about 10% to 25% of these people know they carry the virus. While some infected people have frequent outbreaks, most never have symptoms and others have just one or two flare-ups.”



4 Comments on "Genital Herpes Study: Can Be Transmitted Easily Even Without Outbreak"

  1. Lauren Black | April 13, 2011 at 10:24 am |

    How do you transmit a study? Sounds strange to me. LB

  2. Thanks for such an important study. It means a lot to me.

  3. Suzette Manigault | October 17, 2012 at 11:15 am |

    Is it really possible I may be infected

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