FOX Adds 2 Plus 2 And Gets 6

In the truth in media department here at the CtWatchdog, here’s another shocking video. Remember when Dan Rather used a trumped-up report about George Bush and was lambasted all over for it?

Well, it’s sad that Fox does that kind of reporting every day and the only one who holds the Rupert Murdoch-owned empire’s feet to the fire is a comedian.

This segment on Jon Stewart’s “Daily Show” has me laughing so loud, I’m crying. Or are those real tears at what has become of the media establishment?

Not only does Stewart point out that in a Fox poll, the numbers add up to 120 percent–a clear violation of all things ethical, intelligent and true–but he notes that Gretchen Carlson, who is always portraying the dumb blonde, as if she’s afraid that being smart will alienate Fox viewers, is a Stanford grad who also attended Oxford. Her schtick about looking things up in “the dictionary or Google” is simply revolting. But I guess she’s smart enough to fool a lot of the people a lot of the time.


4 Comments on "FOX Adds 2 Plus 2 And Gets 6"

  1. (rolling eyes) So, where is the consumer issue here? I didn’t realize that this was a political bully pulpit.

    • How can you roll your eyes when they are closed? Fox is a news source. Fox lies. Consumers should know when a news source lies. What’s so hard to see there?

      • Geeze, you are slow huh? What I am saying has nothing to do with the issue. Yes there are moonbats on the right and obviously moonbats on the left like you.

        But I will say it again but slower so you can maybe get it. This is supposed to be a consumer site, not a political rant site. If we had someone like you on the other side, I would be saying the same thing.

        I thought George had something here, but obviously he does not have all the right people yet.

  2. don’t be so offended. brad always tries to make this blog political, bashing anything that is conservative. It’s too bad. I canceled my weekly e-mail from CT Watchdog. That’s one less consumer that that all of the advertisers will be exposed to.

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