CL&P Customers Furious As Hundreds Of Thousands of Ct Homes & Businesses Still Lack Power

Look Out CL&P, Here Come the Pitchforks

That is the headline on CtNewsJunkie’s top story today:

A lot of Connecticut remains in the dark – literally and figuratively. Utilities are predicting several more days without power and have no timeline or information to offer businesses or residents. Employers along the shoreline who were fortunate to have avoided major damage are forced to remain closed without electricity, or they are creeping along on generators. With flooding on the way, many residents are unable to turn on sump pumps and homeowners on well-water are out of luck. Is there a plan? Read more.

How about families where electricity is needed to operate medical equipment? What steps have been taken to protect those people?

And from a central Connecticut residents who expresses the feeling of many:

This whole outage situation has left me perplexed and pissed off.

 As you know better than anyone, customer service is not one of CL&P’s priorities. That said, the fact that a Tropical Storm — not a hurricane– with average wind speeds of 20 to 30 miles per hour below hurricane-force could knock out power to half the customer base is astounding.

 It’s now the fourth day after the event and 300,000 of their customers are still without power and in all likelihood some folks will be out for at least another week. As you probably saw, places in North Carolina and Virginia where it was an actual hurricane are much further along in restoration.

 How can this be explained? Simply put, it is evident from news reports that the utility has drastically cut the number of its linemen. Their plan, if you want to call it that, was to call in crews from Vermont and New Hampshire and Quebec, apparently oblivious to the fact that those places may have their own fish to fry in the event of a storm. Now they and the state are scrambling to bring in crews from the South and across the country — unreal.

 I say this with the upmost respect to those linemen who are doing heroic, tireless work. They are simply outmanned.

 You may remember after Gloria when it became evident that CL&P had done a woeful job in tree-trimming and taking the necessary steps to prevent their system from crashing. I daresay we will see that again. If they would spend as much money in keeping up their system as they do in hiring lawyers and experts to justify rate increases, we’d all be better off.

 Finally, it occcured to me that maybe the DPUC could have had the guy who was putting in 3 1/2 hour workdays, and others like him, to conduct their own compliance audit of CL&P’s system maintenance. But that would be expecting to much of our ossified state government.



9 Comments on "CL&P Customers Furious As Hundreds Of Thousands of Ct Homes & Businesses Still Lack Power"

  1. Leslie Ann Holbrook | September 1, 2011 at 4:46 pm |

    I’m gathering comments to pass on to state politicians and regulators at — please pass it on, “like” it on Facebook, and leave your stories.

    Please be respectful and as specific as you can, and share it with everyone you know who’s fed up with CL&P

  2. Leslie Ann Holbrook | September 1, 2011 at 4:46 pm |

    I’m gathering comments to pass on to state politicians and regulators at — please pass it on, “like” it on Facebook, and leave your stories.

    Please be respectful and as specific as you can, and share it with everyone you know who’s fed up with CL&P

  3. This Company has got to be the Lowest of the Low on the planet.They take their time connecting your electricity, but they sure as Hell waist no time to turn it off when the Bill isn’t paid.

    The second highest corrupt utility company in the Nation.We continue to pay these outrageous electrical rates like Dummies to these crooks, instead of demanding they do something about it, and really let our voices be heard.

    This State’s Problem?Utility customers are too busy cowering in the corner and cow towing to these Shake Down Artists.If people started using their mouths constructivelyf or something like protesting loudly about these ridiculous prices,maybe just maybe your rates might go down.

    Instead of being Bull Dozed, how about OPENING YOUR MOUTHS!

  4. This Company has got to be the Lowest of the Low on the planet.They take their time connecting your electricity, but they sure as Hell waist no time to turn it off when the Bill isn’t paid.

    The second highest corrupt utility company in the Nation.We continue to pay these outrageous electrical rates like Dummies to these crooks, instead of demanding they do something about it, and really let our voices be heard.

    This State’s Problem?Utility customers are too busy cowering in the corner and cow towing to these Shake Down Artists.If people started using their mouths constructivelyf or something like protesting loudly about these ridiculous prices,maybe just maybe your rates might go down.

    Instead of being Bull Dozed, how about OPENING YOUR MOUTHS!

  5. I firmly believe that the CEO of CL&P should face criminal charges for the totally inadequate and incompetent pre and post response to this storm. How can anyone explain with any credibility that with today’s technology and abundance of available labor this deplorable situation could exist. And, government needs to share the blame as well. Is not electrical infrastructure a national security issue? Was electrical infrastructure not appropriate for stimulus money? And what about local and state officials? Are they not obligated to proactively protect their towns ad districts? Many state routes carry a 60′ easement or right of way from the center of the road. Which governor or legislator, mayor, or elected official has had the foresight to demand cutting of trees in those already “owned” areas which would have eliminated so much of the devastation? Passing out free water is hardly adequate.

  6. I firmly believe that the CEO of CL&P should face criminal charges for the totally inadequate and incompetent pre and post response to this storm. How can anyone explain with any credibility that with today’s technology and abundance of available labor this deplorable situation could exist. And, government needs to share the blame as well. Is not electrical infrastructure a national security issue? Was electrical infrastructure not appropriate for stimulus money? And what about local and state officials? Are they not obligated to proactively protect their towns ad districts? Many state routes carry a 60′ easement or right of way from the center of the road. Which governor or legislator, mayor, or elected official has had the foresight to demand cutting of trees in those already “owned” areas which would have eliminated so much of the devastation? Passing out free water is hardly adequate.

  7. Day six and still without power! Called thursday evening, automated message said we should have it back by Sept. 4 called today and was told it would be Sept. 7. What the heck is going on? I’m so angry!!!!!!

  8. Day six and still without power! Called thursday evening, automated message said we should have it back by Sept. 4 called today and was told it would be Sept. 7. What the heck is going on? I’m so angry!!!!!!

  9. John Bristol | November 2, 2011 at 8:22 am |

    This is 100% a monopoly. They can charge whatever they want and have no competition at all. Then take their sweet time to restore power. They predict that Bristol will have power back by Sunday. That’s 8 days I’ll have to go without power. That is unacceptable. We need to get more power companies in ct and actually have competition to drive down prices and have better service!!

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