Blumenthal Concedes He “Misstated” His Military Record

While most Connecticut journalists have given state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal the benefit of the doubt by using the work misspeak when referring to his false claims to have been in Vietnam, Blumenthal did concede last week that he “misstated” his military record on several occasions.

While the two words may seem similar, there is a world of difference between them. Misspeak means innocent, unintentional error, while misstate can either be a simple error or an outright lie, which was the case with the Attorney General.

Now whether he intended to use the word misstate or not, I have no clue. But a close listen to the questions and answers between Blumenthal and myself (toward the end of the segment) at the Litchfield-Morris Rotary Club, clearly has Blumenthal using the word misstate.

Listen to the tape yourself.


7 Comments on "Blumenthal Concedes He “Misstated” His Military Record"

  1. James Arner | July 21, 2010 at 10:24 pm |

    George, using the “work” or “word” misstate? Two can play at this game.

    • George Gombossy | July 21, 2010 at 10:27 pm |

      I guess a type is similar to taking credit for fighting in a war that you did your best to avoid and succeeded

  2. John Porriello | July 21, 2010 at 11:01 pm |

    The fact is no matter what politically correct words Blumenthal uses he is a “liar”.

  3. bob jemer | July 22, 2010 at 3:07 am |

    Dude. You really need to calm down. I used to follow this blog with some regularity but this anti-Blumenthal jihad is pretty pathetic. We get it. You’re not going to vote for him. I haven’t decided yet. But every time you write one of these screeds I just feel bad for the guy. I honestly don’t even understand what you’re talking about half the time. Blumenthal is a liar because some states have laws against disclosing ongoing investigations? Blumenthal admits he’s a liar because you’re parsing the 8th definition of some word in the dictionary? Isn’t there, like, actual news you should be covering in this state? I honestly find this whole thing pretty disheartening since I always thought you got a raw deal from the Courant, and I’m glad you’ve kept up your work as an independent journalist. But you’re turning into the all-Blumenthal channel, with some new desperate attack every hour. It’s obvious you have some axe to grind here. I don’t know what it is, and I don’t care what it is. Seriously. The reporting in this state is terrible enough. We really need some honest journalists doing real work. Could you, like, maybe do some of it? By all means, focus on the AG, if you think that’s where the action is. But find something that’s actually newsworthy.

    • Could not agree with you more. Of course George has his loyal follower down below (JP) to cheerlead for him.

  4. EDWARD JACHIMOWSKI | July 25, 2010 at 1:19 am |

    It isn’t any small thing about the VALOR THIEF. The ramblomey has a sick mind.
    This tirmush and jemdur are a couple of toots. Did they have a relative in nam???
    Can they buy jane fonda pictures and place them over their pillows. The scum-bog
    is a liar in MANY VENUES. This speaks to trust-blomey has none–this speaks to
    the love of country–5 deferments plus other work to get out of serving–this speaks
    to a person of courage having your back—-not turning your back on some and then
    saying to the old ladies that i’m the metal person who was spit on— This is a testa-
    ment to the heart that CT people have or haven’t–BLOMEY IS A BALL FACE LIAR–

  5. Hi George, I generally enjoy and agree with you more times than not. However, this Blumenthal thing seems to be a bit overdone. I’m willing to let Blumenthal’s overall record speak for it’s self. Yes, he likes the camera and attention. But he has done a lot of positive things for our state over the past 10 or so years as the AG for CT.

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