Kevin’s Core/Workout Video 4

Today we published Kevin Szymanski’s fourth core strengthening video, this time with me performing the exercise and Kevin giving pointers.

Again, it’s important to check with your doctor if you have not been working out on a regular basis. Kevin is one of the top personal trainers at Healthtrax in East Longmeadow, Mass., where my wife and I belong. Kevin has been our personal trainer for more than two years.

Each week we will present a new video that you can use at home, or at a gym, to improve your core strength, the most critical parts of your body for lifting, and moving around, especially as you get older. To get the most benefit if you are working out at home, purchase a couple of inexpensive pieces of equipment that Kevin and I will be using. We recommend that you purchase a set of Versa-Tubes at, the identical bands that are used at Healthtrax, that way the yellow (easiest) band that you buy will be the same as we use. Neither Kevin nor I have an financial relationship with Power Systems. If there is enough interest, Kevin will ask the company to give our readers a discount.

If you would like to leave a comment about the video, this is the appropriate place to do it.

Wishing everyone a HEALTHY New Year. George


2 Comments on "Kevin’s Core/Workout Video 4"

  1. Susan Denmark | January 13, 2010 at 8:41 pm |

    I have been a client of Kevin’s for over a year now. His core strength training really works. I have a bad back and training with Kevin has made a tremendous difference in my life. I “kick in my core” when I feel my back at all straining during workouts. His gym workouts have also carried through to my daily routines… I now know to use my core muscles in conjunction with my back muscles (which he has also been able to strengthen) to do everyday tasks. I can also feel when I have been out of the gym for days at a time… back and core seem to lose the muscle strength. Thanks Kevin!!

  2. Shelly Gazis | January 14, 2010 at 12:54 pm |

    I, too, have been a client of Kevin’s for more than a year. The core strength training that Kevin is demonstrating in his videos is great on its own for improving body mechanics used in daily activities, however, theses exercises should also be considered vital and inclusive to any other strength training exercises you do. The rest of the body can not effectively benefit from strengthening exercises if the core is not being strengthened in conjunction with it. Kevin focuses on the importance of this in our work out routines. I feel confident when Kevin includes core moves into the routine, and not just “works” a specific area, that he is focusing on the overall and long term strengthening benefits of the body as a whole. Kevin’s sessions always incorporate his knowledge, experience and professionalism but are driven by his personal desire to help people truly achieve their physical goals.

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