CNN host Lou Dobbs told his “shocked” viewers tonight that he is leaving CNN immediately.
The Harvard educated anchor, who in many ways dumbed down crucial discussions of important issues, declined to say why he is leaving or where is going.
Fox “Fair and Balanced” would be a great home for him, but he will probably run for office in New Jersey, unless he got caught doing something wrong.
You are turning this informative website into a left-winged rant. It’s too bad. I’m sure many of your readers and advertisers are going to be disappointed. The US House of Representatives would be a great home for you, and if you get caught doing something wrong, they’ll put you in a leadership role. Goodbye George, I can see now what the Courant meant.
Sorry to see you go, but just like The Courant learned, readers have to learn also, I call them as I see them. If you read all my blogs I would say it would be difficult for anyone to label me as a liberal or a conservative.
Good luck to you.
The Dog
I used to like Lou Dobbs, four or five years ago he seemed like a voice of reason, but he’s gone off the deep end with all the racist, anti-immigrant nonsense. Good riddance.
Count me in with Barry. Take me off the list. If you ever go back to consumer issues, let me know. BTW, never seen criticism of Olbermann or Maddow on the site.